Welcome To My World

Welcome to my wonderful world of wonderings while wandering with water. I grew up in the woods of New England struggling to fit in with a constantly changing and growing society. As I grew older my frustrations continued to grow. With a government that seems to not care about the society that pays their salaries, corporate America doing anything for a buck from dropping insurance to those that need it most to genetically modifying our food and drug to an almost unrecognizable state, to a world that is destroying and defacing the environment that has helped to supply us with life I needed to find a constructive way to vent my frustrations as well to explore and share the wonders of this world with others. I have used climbing and kayaking to travel the world, experiencing other cultures and ways of life. Realizing that what is right for one may not be right for someone else. As I have always been an artistic person and have seen that art;  spoken, visually, and musically can have a profound affect on the person that opens themselves up to it.  I have plenty of questions and have found that writing helps me put my thoughts into perspective and allows me a way to share them.
Welcome again and feel free to comment or criticize.

All content is original content unless specified otherwise. I have a huge respect for the artists that have influenced and inspired me over the years and hope i can share that with you.