Friday, January 14, 2011

Because She's Too Good For Words

I really enjoy writing. Sometimes I have a really hard time articulating clearly what I want with my speech but but I can sit down with a pen and my little yellow pad and say exactly what I want. Nobody can take it away from me. I have a hard time writing when I'm happy and things are going well in my life. A year and a half ago I started going through a very trying time in my life and was filling up a notebook every few months and that wasn't including the letters and journaling I was doing also. Some stuff I wrote I think is pretty good and then there was plenty of pretty bad or more appropriately pointless stuff. I have written very little in the last year comparatively.
It took until just recently for some very important things to turn around for me but just over a year ago I met the most amazing person I've ever known. Someone who makes me laugh during the entire adventure, someone who has stood by me through the hardest time I've had, someone that I never thought I'd find in my wandering life. Despite the hardships of late she has always been there for me making me feel stronger and more confident then ever with all her many ways. With this great love that I've been shown I've gotten to know happiness again and humbleness.
I may try for the rest of my life but my words will never be able to describe the wonderful feeling of emotion that this beautiful, beautiful women has given me.

In the distance sipping sweet sake
She sits savoring slippery sushi.
Well.   She sat at one time,
And Yes.   I guess she will sit again someday.

But now I dwell on the dimming Green light
Off in the distance, in the haze
As she flickers and fades as if an
Oil lamp low on fuel in a storm that hasn't fully formed.

Like Labor Day on the lake. Lying awake rambling,
Her cunning curves carving while my loose legs listed.
Or, like loose linen flowing, golden silk blowing, snapping memories
Of royalty, miles of meandering gardens, and topping it off with shiraz.

A 1,000,000 miles I'd go just to feel her smiles.
Holding a hand. Helping through a horrendous highlight.
Embracing my life, my heart with the warmth of a wool wrap
On a winters eve rolled up with her. Waiting out the storm.

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